Monday, January 30, 2006

Tuesday 1st March; 2nd day at sea

Or the first full day at sea, and it was rather choppy for me at least. The Stugeron I had taken for seasickness wasn’t having much effect and whilst the Drake Passage was quite quiet as far as sailors would be concerned, it was making me feel rather queasy. Not that much was happening; the ship was sailing on a more or less straight course across the sea heading for the South Shetland Islands. I skipped lunch, on the grounds of illness, and went to the doctor to see if I could get anything more effective. What I got was Marzine, which whilst it’s rather old-fashioned, did seem to have more of an effect, and I did manage to eat some dinner; as I was to find out, I had no problem keeping food down, rather it was staying upright long enough to eat something, especially when you couldn’t help yourself whenever you wanted.

I skipped the planned lectures for the day as well, but still managed to hear the good news that as the wind was behind us it had given us a bit of a push and we were going to get to the first islands early. We were early enough, in fact, to get an extra landing on Aitcho Island.


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